DENTAL Bridges

Dental bridges are an alternative to dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth. Bridges have been in use in dentistry for many years with great success. A bridge uses the teeth on each side of the missing tooth space to anchor a false tooth. Bridges look and feel natural, however require a different flossing technique than natural teeth and implants.



Second to fillings, crowns are the most common way to fix broken or decayed teeth. Crowns are generally done in 2 visits however we are one of a small percentage of offices in the Greater Columbus area to have a CEREC machine to make crowns in the office, in one day, instead of sending them to a lab to be made. Our crowns are all porcelain. They look and function like your real tooth and they never stain.    

We use different types of porcelain for different crown indications. Some porcelains offer the advantage of added strength while others offer the advantage of better esthetics. The doctor will let you know which type of porcelain crown is recommended for your tooth.


White Fillings

We exclusively place tooth colored fillings. Tooth colored fillings, called composites, work differently than do silver fillings by adhering to the tooth structure and sealing off the cavitated area. Tooth colored fillings are long-lasting and esthetic.


Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays have been used in dentistry for many years. When gold was commonly used these were some of the most popular types of restorations. Today, inlays and onlays still have a  valuable place in dentistry, however porcelain has replaced gold as the material of choice.  A porcelain onlay/inlay is advantageous when compared to a filling in that it covers the functional areas of the tooth, thereby preventing tooth fracture. These restorations are most commonly used in teeth which have larger cavities or large existing fillings that need to be replaced.