
Veneers are a way to cosmetically enhance your smile.  Veneers can be made of porcelain or composite. Porcelain veneers will never change color and can make dramatic changes to your smile. Composite veneers are a much more quick and economical way to change the smile. Composite veneers can also create dramatic cosmetic enhancements, however they are more limited than porcelain veneers and they can stain over time.

teeth whitening

With so many over-the-counter teeth whitening options available, why would you go to the dentist to have your teeth whitened? There are several considerations, like making sure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for whitening, teeth whitening options that work when common treatments don’t, and the overall safety of having any oral procedure done at the dentist. Read more about teeth whitening at Carroll Family Dental before making a decision about your smile.